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Are you hypnotisable ?


Most people think they aren’t. But in fact, 95% of people are hypnotisable. How do you measure up ?


The following quiz is designed for you to gain a better understanding into how you might react in different situations and how those reactions form patterns to determine how you process information. 

Are You Hypnotizable?

Are you stressed out ?


Stressful situations are a part of everyday life. How it affects our health is largely dependent on how we respond. 


The following quiz is designed for you to better understand how well you manage stress. There are no right or wrong answers.

Are You Stressed Out?

How's Your Memory ?

Memory is the process of retaining and retrieving information that is stored in the mind. Hypnosis is an excellent tool to enhance memories by improving the methods by which we create and retrieve them.



It happens to all of us at one time or another - we become preoccupied and experience a temporary memory lapse. In taking the quiz below, remember the operative word is ‘frequently’.


How's Your Memory?

Do You Have a Healthy Body Image?


At some point in our lives, most of us have cycled through the different levels of body acceptance. There are many factors that influence the way we feel about our body, including our upbringing and media influence. Body image impacts our life by affecting how we feel about our self, how we project our self, and how we take responsibility for our personal best.



Is your body image getting in the way of enjoying a healthy, happy and fulfilling life? Take this quiz to find out where your body image stands now--and how you can improve it.

Do You Have A Healthy Body Image?

How Do You Rate Your Self Esteem?


Your self esteem is a direct reflection of what you think and how you feel about yourself. Use this self esteem assessment as a guide, keeping in mind that once you become consciously aware of your level of self esteem you can begin to make better choices that will in turn, create a healthier self image.


This information will help you gauge your (strong / weak) areas of self esteem. With this information you can then choose the best exercises for raising self esteem, building confidence and increasing self worth.

How Do You Rate Your Self Esteem?